Home > may has been a good month

may has been a good month

May 24th, 2012 at 06:01 am

this month has been financially much better than the previous few.

i paid all my bills including a couple i had not budgeted for. one was an 80.00 visit with my shrink that covered two office calls and the other bill was 96.00 for my oxygen and supplies. i had budgeted only sixty for that.

this is also the first time i have drawn up a defined budget since dad died. what we decided to do is go ahead and pay the bills through the banks automated system and then reimburse the bank account. since the monthly bills are so unpredictable, i couldn't figure out a better way to do it.

although i still have about three weeks until i get my next check (this is a five week month per pay schedule) i still have money left over after paying all the bills. if you want to sit down i will share with you the amount. i still have over 500.00! and i am so proud of myself. the only monthly bill i haven't covered yet is cigarettes and i am trying to cut way back.

i cut back on some of the cable tv stations we will be getting and although we loose all of our movie channels, we are only saving 15.00. cable/internet is ridiculously high in this area amounting to about 100.00. currently we don't have our telephone set up on a bundle system because we are thinking of getting it taken out and depend on tracphone. my brother already has a cell phone. i have had a tracphone in the past but the charger stopped working. i was happy with the service and everything. the telephone bill this month was 41.00 and tracphone would be no greater than 20.00. it all is dependent on 911 service which must be available on the phone or else i wouldn't consider it.

i find i don't post often because i only get paid once a month. routinely, i will figure my budget the night before payday. i figured to have a 300.00 surplus this month but it looks as if it will be even more.

now the object of the game is to save this money for my retirement...even though i am disabled and on disability, there will be a time when my needs will be more expensive or at least i am anticipating them to be so.

the gambling is definately a thing of the past and i can't say i miss the assoiated grief surrounding it. in fact, my most suicidal points in my life have centered around gambling so noone would miss that now would they. giving it up is the perfect way to honor my late dad as well.

i hope everyone had a good month. i read the blogs faithfully and feel as if i know many of you personally.

5 Responses to “may has been a good month”

  1. Shiela Says:

    good job on paying extra bills, good way to get ahead.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Congratulations on overcoming the gambling problem. You are right, it is a perfect way to honor your father.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Glad to hear your gambling problem is under control! Always be aware that the impluse may be there. You have the control!! Great job.

  4. rachel021406 Says:

    Sounds like you are on your way to having a great surplus! And congrats on overcoming your gambling issues. Sounds like you are on track!

  5. Jerry Says:

    I think this is a huge step that leads you in the right direction, and you can feel great about it... sorry that you have had some unexpected health bills that insurance didn't cover, but you were able to manage it nonetheless, which is even better! Nice work...

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